Soirée pub sur les données ouvertes à Montréal

Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui à : Joignez-vous à nous pour la prochaine soirée Pub des données ouvertes de Montréal le 19 septembre prochain ! Apprenez-en plus sur les données ouvertes et leur pouvoir caché ! Découvrez ce que font vos pairs et collègues dans ce domaine. Restez au courant des activités et des projets de la […]

Windsor Open Data Pub Night with Hackforge

Register now at: Join us for the next Windsor Open Data Pub Night (hosted in partnership with Hackforge) on Friday September 13th 6-8 p.m. at Maiden Lane Wine & Cocktail Bar in downtown Windsor! Whether you’re an experienced Data Analyst or only interact with the data from your smart watch, we want you to come out!

Open Data Pub Night (Toronto)

RSVP Here: Where: Walrus Pub & Beer Hall, 187 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5L 1G5 When: Thursday, March 7th from 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time Who: Any member, follower, subscriber or partner of the Canadian Open Data Society, or friends, relations, associates, neighbours or colleagues (FRANC) of ours! Why: Because Things are Happening and we […]

Open Data Pub Night (Vancouver)

Where: Malone’s Taphouse – 608 W Pender St, Vancouver, BC V6B 1V8 When: Tuesday, March 5th from 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time Who: Any member, follower, subscriber or partner of the Canadian Open Data Society, or friends, relations, associates, neighbours or colleagues (FRANC) of ours! The Chair of the Canadian Open Data Society, Eugene Chen, will […]